Saturday, June 28, 2008

When Worlds Collide

Wow, been a few days since I posted anything. Real life has been keeping me extremely busy. I am currently caring for 3 lowbie humanoids, levels, er, I mean ages 4, 3, and 1. How this happened is way more drama than I want to go into, but for now, this could be a long term commitment.

Add to that the ongoing search for employment and I have had to scale back on my WoW time :( Still managing to get to raids, but even that may have to be scaled back soon. When raids end at 11pm to midnight and I have to be up at 6am to keep up with these lil ones, it can make for a long day!

As far as my gaming does go, I have picked up a couple nice pieces this last week, thou nothing to augment my core (tanking) or backup (healing) sets. I am coming to the conclusion, I am much better asset to raids as a healer than as a tank. Gonna still work on improving my tanky skills, not so much as a toon but as a player. I think my biggest problem now is a lack of comfort in the role rather than any lack of gear for the content I am on. I think I need to improve my multitasking abilities :D

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Need some Cheese with my Whine

This is gonna be a long whiny, venty, rant. You have been warned. All I will emphasize up front is it is not directed at anyone in particular unless it is aimed at myself. I think I have rewritten this post at least three times now over the last few days. I have something that's been gnawing on me but I can't seem to put it into words in a way that expresses what is bothering me. This is really just a "Dear Diary" sorta thing to help me get my feelings off my chest. So here goes...

One of the attractions of any MMO is the ability to interact with others. It can also be one of the difficulties. We each have expectations of how ourselves and others should perform. Very often, we or they can't live up to those standards for whatever reason and frustration can start to detract from the fun of the game. I know I am way harder on myself than anyone else could be. I am that way in real life too. Yet I still foolishly take some things more personally then I should when I perceive that others I game with are disappointed by my performance.

I have been working harder than I have in the past on this toon in terms of gearing up and learning some of the finer points of this game that I have managed to stumble through over the last 2+ years. I have learned much to my own virtual pain (and often the pain of others) just how pivotal the role of tank can be. There isn't a lot of room for error, you have to be tracking several things at once, you need a well laid out interface, you need an awareness of a much broader virtual space around you and if you flub it up, it is pretty obvious to all as you set the tone and the pace of your group.

It is both a blessing and curse to be learning this role surrounded by veteran gamers like I am lucky enough to have teamed up with. A blessing from the standpoint that I have had benefited from oodles of advise and opinions and suggestions from those far more experienced than I. But it is the curse I am trying to work through mentally.

I point out often that I am not any sort of "uber" gamer, but I am a very competitive person by nature. I try to give 110% in whatever I do and at the end of the day, as long as I feel I have given my best effort, I can live with not being the best. Yet I can't seem to shake the feeling that it isn't enough.

I think one of the most frustrating things for me is the expectation of me, real or just perceived, that I know all the various instances like the back of my hand, even after a single visit. Maybe I am a slow learner when it comes to games like this, I don't know, but it seems like something that takes a little time. I take the time before I go into each new area to read up on the bosses and tactics, but one can read about that sort of thing all they want, until they do it a couple times, they are just not gonna be perfect. I guess I just wish I didn't feel like I am being seen as some sort of noob because I don't know all this stuff instinctively. I know that it may take me longer than some to master a given fight, but I also know I *will* do so given time.

The other thing that worries me is that I hesitate too much. I am reluctant to try areas I haven't been in before or often because my lack of experience seems to grate on others. The irony there is rather plain. The only way to get that experience is too go to those places I guess I am just used to being in a more "senior" position than I find myself in. I am used to being one of the people others look too if not for leadership than at least for advise and I don't even currently feel that I inspire a lot of confidence in the people I game with.

God, I talk too much. I guess when it is all said and done, I am just gonna have to try my best and if I am still not enjoying the game, maybe it is time to find another hobby.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Growing Up

Well, I made my first visit to Zul'Aman this week. I mean my first visit on any toon. It was fun seeing some new scenery and was more than a little intimidating. I wasn't prepared for the pace of it! real go go go stuff! I did some of my usual boneheaded stuff, but all in all was rather pleased with how the recent equipment upgrades worked out. My guildies deserved kudos for helping me start to get up to speed, I probably owe them all a little towards their repair bills. I'll get better guys, I know it.

To reward my efforts, I left with good addition to my healing set, Chestplate of Hidden Purpose which I promptly socketed and enchanted to use in Kara :) Oh yeah, I hit exalted with them too last night :) Amineh has now passed either of my old alliance toons in terms of progression. I lay the blame for this solely on my guild, Mediocrity in Motion, the best, most helpful, and fun guild on Skywall.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And the wheels keep spinning

Hi there! Don't know how many actually read this but sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I wish there was a counter addon in blogger. I am curious by nature.

Real life drama. Won't go into a lot of details other than to say the welware of children are involved and that trump's all other considerations. But with all the stress that generates, it makes the WoW time I get even more precious.

And I have been busy. Exalted with the Scryers and Netherwing, Revered with Keepers of Time, several drops from Kara, a 100 babge purchase and a slew of dailies to generate the gold to pay for all the enchanments has left me ready to explore new (for me) content. ZA, here I come! (I can almost hear my guildies groaning :) )

I started using several now mods that have helped me a LOT. Healbot for starters. I used this mod ages ago when I was playing a Restro Shammy but wow, has it improved. I frankly think it should be required for raiding just like Omen or any other must have mod. The other one I would recomend for tanks is called Tankpoints. It calculates aviodance stats, and displays a hit table and allows you to explore all sorts of "what if" situations. It have been a godsend as I try and get this toon on par with the rest of my guild.

Now I could only improve the player some. I accepted that I was never gonna be the best player in the world, but I was always able to feel like I could hold my own til I started runing this toon around. Maybe I am getting old and slow or something, but I just don't seem sharp like I feel I should. It's damned frustrating and I can only guess it is annoying to those I play with. I just keep hoping I am like the kid on the short yellow bus and in time, I will get it.