Thursday, July 10, 2008

Conquering Ones Inner Demon

World of Warcraft, at its more advanced levels, is a game of inches. The smallest advantage can make the difference. Last night Amineh returned to Serpantshrine Cavern and I was filled with dread when the Raid Leader announced we were going back to visit the boss Leotheras the Blind. I went 0-3 the prior week and had not had any chance to upgrade my gear any so I was worried how much I could help the group. When I was selected again in the first round of the first attempt to fight another inner demon, I was thinking I needed to find a replacement as my record quickly went to 0-4.

With the quick advice of another pally with a lot more game experience than I in a series of whispers, I optimized my healing and tanking gear to keep as much defensive abilities as I could while increasing my damage to about +700 (or about x2 what it was with my best tanking gear on). That did the trick and I was able to survive the inner demon phase. It also helped that I wasn't tagged to battle one save one time during the fight. My reward for this humbling experience? My first piece of T5 armor!

I have to confess. I felt a little guilty taking it. There were players there I felt were a lot more deserving. I wasn't even going to roll for it until encouraged to go ahead and do so and then roll a 97 (I think the next highest of all the rolls was like 25). I guess I'll look at it as improving my toon so I can help others get the gear they need in future battles. Still, I hope they know how much I appreciate how their efforts have helped me.

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