Saturday, June 28, 2008

When Worlds Collide

Wow, been a few days since I posted anything. Real life has been keeping me extremely busy. I am currently caring for 3 lowbie humanoids, levels, er, I mean ages 4, 3, and 1. How this happened is way more drama than I want to go into, but for now, this could be a long term commitment.

Add to that the ongoing search for employment and I have had to scale back on my WoW time :( Still managing to get to raids, but even that may have to be scaled back soon. When raids end at 11pm to midnight and I have to be up at 6am to keep up with these lil ones, it can make for a long day!

As far as my gaming does go, I have picked up a couple nice pieces this last week, thou nothing to augment my core (tanking) or backup (healing) sets. I am coming to the conclusion, I am much better asset to raids as a healer than as a tank. Gonna still work on improving my tanky skills, not so much as a toon but as a player. I think my biggest problem now is a lack of comfort in the role rather than any lack of gear for the content I am on. I think I need to improve my multitasking abilities :D

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